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Home / Webinar / GDPR - Identifying and Reporting Breaches


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Andy Larkum

About Andy
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What's Included

  • Expert Knowledge from an Industry-Leading Speaker
  • Verifiable CPD hours
  • CPD Tracking and Certificate
  • Live Webinar (if a future date is listed) with Q&A
  • The Recording of the Event
  • Supporting Materials


The UK GDPR includes the requirement for the reporting of data breaches – but there’s a difference between a reportable breach and one that isn’t. In this session we’ll explore the difference and give you confidence to know what constitutes a breach, when a breach needs to be reported, and what to do if it doesn’t.

Key topics


  • What constitutes a data breach under the GDPR
  • How to identify a data breach
  • The difference between a reportable data breach and one that isn’t
  • How to report a data breach
  • What to do if you don’t believe a data breach needs to be reported

Who should attend?

Office managers, Partners and those tasked with responsibility for information security.