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Russell Bedford 2023 – Thank you for registering!

Thank you for providing your webinar selection. Find out below what happens next and how to access live webinars and recordings.

Future webinars

  • Where you have booked webinars scheduled for dates in the future, you will automatically be registered.
  • During the week leading up to the webinar, a unique link will be emailed to you, enabling you to join the live broadcast. The webinar will come from ’20:20 Innovation - Webinars’ and will have an email address of ‘customercare@gotowebinar.com’.
  • In addition, you will receive an email reminder approximately 1 hour before the webinar.
  • You will be able to access the notes and slides during the webinar. They will also be available on the following page https://www.2020innovation.com/russell-bedford on/around the webinar date. The webinar recordings will also be added to these pages, please allow up to 3 days for the recording to be made available.

Past webinars

  • Please note that it may take up to 3 days for the recording to be made available after each webinar.

If you require assistance please email the 2020 Webinars Team